When All Is Cracked And Dry

One day I shared my testimony with Diana, a stranger sitting next to me in the airplane. She claimed to be an atheist. Then she attributed all my suffering to my attracting negative energy around me. … I don’t see problems as bad luck, a punishment from the Almighty. Otherwise, apostle Paul really hit the jackpot of bad luck (persecuted, suffered hunger, cold, shipwrecked, jailed, loneliness, no marriage… ) Yet, he says in Romans 5: 3 “we glory in our suffering”.

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Our Adoption Story

Photos by Grace Photography

Adoption Story, Grace Gives

Mina and Bella were 5 and 7 when they came into our lives. And they sure made an entrance! Overnight our life turned from a 10-year honeymoon into a family dramedy (drama and comedy)!

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